First you must be mindful. When you watch MotoGP™ try to see the beauty in the sport and look for the life lessons.
See how the bikes go fast, but time does not.
While they try to shave a tenth of a second off a lap time, you should be thinking of ways to add a second, a minute, an hour to your lifetime.
Life goes way too fast. Relax, take it all in.
If your rider doesn’t win, it’s not the end of the world.
Sure, you may have lost a few bucks on that bet with your friend and that signed poster you waited 2 hours for may not be worth what you thought it was, but that’s OK. Relax, breathe into it.
A good MotoGP™ GURU does things which improve the world around them.
Things like giving us a great review on Google, telling your friends about this fantastic game MotoGP™ GURU and inviting them to play in a league with you.
You should try to find your Zen moment of peace and tranquility, which will be much easier if you use those little squidgy ear plugs, because those bikes get really loud after a while.