The thing is the MotoGP GURU says you have already won the prize. Just waking up today is a prize and the best one you could ask for. To see your loved ones, to pat your dog, to experience the wind on your chin as you ride your motorcycle, this is the prize.
But if you should win a prize in this game, we will contact you by email and let you know directly. Hopefully you will have been trusting and shared your phone number in your user account, because then we can text you and follow up with a phone call. It’s always so much nicer to bond in a personal way.
If you speak some language we do not speak, we will rely on google translate to communicate with you. If Google translate does not speak your language well, we apologize in advance and assure you we were not trying to buy your chickens nor rent your scooter.
We are just trying to figure out how to get a prize to you in some far-flung part of the world, where love and world peace are the common language and the beautiful human values that bind us together as one. Also, we will have to check if DHL delivers and if not, perhaps you have an Aunty in Shropshire who we can sent it to, and you can figure it out from there.